
2018/3/24 9:54:18

  Document Checklist for TCCC CSR Audit (China)
  Audit procedures includes: Opening Meeting, Facility Tour, Documents review, Employee Interview and Closing Meeting.
  Please prepare the original documentation listed below for verification and sample photocopying, thanks!

  1. 工商营业执照(副本)
  Business Registration (Official Duplicate)
  2. 工卡或考勤记录(过去二十四个月),包括在职与离职人员。如果是使用电子考勤,审核员可能需要从电脑直接审阅考勤记录,审阅是会在企业职员协助下进行。
  Timecards  or  Attendance   Records  (Last  24   Months),  including  active   employees  and  resignation   employees.  If electronics  time  card  is  used,  the  auditor  may  need  to review  the  time  record  directly  from  the  computer,  with  the assistance from the facility staff.
  3. 工资表(过去二十四个月),包括在职与离职人员。如果工资是通过银行转账发放,请同时提供银行转账记录。
  Payroll Records (Last 24 months), including active employees and resignation employees. If wage paid by Bank Transfer, Bank Transfer record is required accordingly.
  4. 员工花名册及员工个人档案(含身份证复印件)
  Employee Roster and Employee Personnel Records (including I.D. card copy)
  5. 劳动合同
  Labor Contract
  6. 社会保险收据(过去十二个月),参保人员花名册,当地参保要求文件(如适用)等;商业保险记录(如有),如商业保险单,商业保险收据
  Social  Insurance   Receipts  (Last  12   months),  Name  List,   Social  Insurance  Local  Policy   (when  applicable),  etc. Commercial insurance records (if any), e.g. Commercial Insurance Policy, Commercial Insurance Receipts
  7. 企业规章制度或员工手册(包括但不仅限于针对招聘、歧视、强迫劳动、工时、薪资福利、奖惩制度、健康及安全、结社自由和集体谈判、环境保护的内容
  Enterprise  Regulation  or  Employee  Handbook  (Including  but  not  limit  to,  recruitment,  discrimination,  forced  labor,working  hours,  compensation  &  benefit,  disciplinary  procedure,  working  conditions,  health  and safety,  freedom  of association and collective bargaining, environmental protection)
  8. 政府有关当地最低工资标准文件
  Local Minimum Wage Standard
  Leave Application Form, Resignation Application Form with Approval (Last 12 months)
  10. 当地劳动局关于综合计算工时工作制批文,不定时工作制批文(如适用)
  Official Comprehensive Working Hour System Approval, Non-fixed Working Hour System Approval (when applicable)