工厂概况部分 |
1 | 公司概括简介-人员/产量/产值/(品牌)市场分布 Factory profile/Employee No.& structure/Production capability/(Brands)Marketing |
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2 | 公司组织架构图 Organization chart |
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3* | 厂区/厂房平面图 Factory floor plans |
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4* | 营业执照 Business license |
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人事行政管理部分 |
5* | 员工手册/厂纪厂规及处罚记录 Employee manual/handbook,Factory rules & regulations/ Disciplinary practices policy and Records |
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6 | 宿舍规章制度 Dormitory regulations |
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7* | 招工指引/程序 Recruitment policies & procedures |
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8* | 人事记录/员工入厂登记/花名册(所有员工 含派遣工、临时工等)Employees' personal files/ Employment registration/roster (all employees,including dispatched employees and temporary employees etc) |
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9* | 劳动合同(所有员工) Labor contracts (all employees) |
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10 | 未成年工人体检 &员工 职业健康体检 Young worker health examination & occupational health examination records,(if applicable) |
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11 | 未成年工名单/登记证/工作安排规定 List of young workers/ registration approval from local labor bureau/regulations on shift arrangement for young workers |
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12 | 请假单 Leave records |
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13 | 离职记录 Resignation records |
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14 | 奖惩记录/警告信 Awards & Penalty Records/Warning notification letters |
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15 | 工会组织会议记录/工会代表选举程序及其职责/工人投诉处理程序及记录 Meeting minutes of union/Selection program and Responsibility of workers’ Rep./Complaint& handling record |
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工时工资福利部分 |
16* | 工作时间记录(12个月) Time cards/attendant records(12 months) |
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17 | 休假记录(有薪年假/女工产假/婚丧假) Leave records(Paid annual leave/Maternity leave/Marriage& Funeral leave ) |
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18 | 综合计时批文/加班批文 Consolidated working hours permit by local labor bureau/Extended Overtime Hours Waiver |
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19* | 当地政府最低工资文件 Legal/ Local official minimum wage document |
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20* | 工资表(12个月) (含工人签名) Payroll records with employees' signatures (12 months) |
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21 | 记件工生产(台班)记录/计件工资表 Production records of piece rate workers/Piece rate records |
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22 | 工资扣除/罚款记录 Wage deduction/Penalty records |
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23 | 生产记录,如生产日报表,断针记录,品检记录等 Production records, such as Daily Production Records, Needle Broken Records, Quality Control Records and etc. |
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24* | 社会保险缴付凭证和参保符合性批文/社保登记证/社保购买花名册Social security insurance (injury/retirement/medical/unemployment etc.) payment receipts/ invoice/Approval from local government/Registration certificate/personnel list |
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健康安全卫生部分 |
25* | 公司的健康安全政策/规章制度 Health & safety policy/ Regulations and rules |
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26 | 房屋建筑工程竣工验收报告/备案表 Certificate of Inspection for Completed Building Construction/ Registration Records |
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27 | 厂房消防验收合格证/报告 Fire-Fighting Acceptance Inspection Certificate/ Report |
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28* | 消防应急预案/程序,消防演习记录(含照片)Fire drill program & records and fire evacuation plan & procedure (inlcuding pictures) |
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29 | 食堂卫生许可证/食堂员工健康证 Sanitation Permit for Kitchen/ Health Certificate of kitchen employee |
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30 | 急救人员资格证书 Trained first aider certificate |
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31 | 医护人员执业资格证书 Qualified certificate of doctor or nurse |
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32* | 工伤医疗事故处理记录/再发生防范措施 Accident,injury reports & records/Precaution Measures on Reocurrence |
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33 | 电梯等起重设备:使用登记证/验收/年检合格证(如:电动葫芦/电动叉车) Register of elevator & lift and annual inspection certificate |
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34 | 锅炉,压力容器使用登记证/年检合格证 Register of pressure vessels & boilers and annual inspection certificate |
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35 | 特种作业人员(叉车/电工/电焊工/司炉工等)资格(操作)证书Specialized safety training certificate( Valid safety operation certificate of Lift / Forklift vehicle /Qualified Electrician/ Electric welding operator certificate/Operator certificate of boiler) |
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36 | 化学品清单/化学危险品仓许可/(储存物控记录)/ List of chemical/Approval certificate of chemical warehouse/register & storage record |
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37 | 安全防范应急措施/物料安全数据表 Chemical Safety Precuation Measures/MSDS (material safety data sheet) of dangerous chemicals |
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38 | 化学危险品仓管员上岗培训证书/培训记录 Qualified certificate/Training records for the keeper of dangerous chemicals warehouse
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39 | 工作场所职业危害因素(空气质量/噪声等)评价报告 The hazadous elements (air quality and noise etc.)evaluation report for Workplace |
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40 | 健康安全以及惩戒措施方面的会议记录Meeting Minutes of joint committees on OHS and disciplinary matters |
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环境安全以及其它 |
41 | 危险废弃物处理合同,处置单位的营业执照,经营许可,危险废弃物转移记录等 Dangerous Waste Handling Service Agreement/Contract, Business license or Business Permit of Dangerous Waste Collector, Transport records etc |
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42* | 环境评估报告 Environment evaluation report (如建设项目环境影响评价文件(环境影响报告书,环境影响报告表或者环境影响登记表),环评批复,建设项目竣工验收报告,排污许可证/排放污染物申报登记/监测报告等) (e.g. Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA)Documents (Environmental Impact Report, Environmental Impact Report Form or fill out Environmental Impact Registraction Form), EIA Approval, Acceptance Check of Environmental Protection of Construction Projects, Pollutant Discharging Permit/ Declaration Form of Pollutants Discharged/ Monitoring Report etc) |
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43 | 紧急预案 Emergency action procedures (如,危险化学品事故急救预案或演习 dangerous chemical emergency succor plan or drill) |
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44 | 工厂政策文件关于:商业廉政/反腐败, 禁止使用童工(含童工补救措施), 工作时间, 惩戒措施,工资福利,健康安全,环境保护,员工培训,反歧视等 • Facility policies: • Business Integrity • Child labour • Wage and hours of work • Disciplinary • Benefits and allowances • Health & Safety • Environment • Training • Discrimination and harassment |