
2017/5/20 10:31:29


1.INCREASED PROFIT from overall better working and safety conditions for employees  and improved business operations.

提升生产力 - 通过增强员工对工厂的认可度提升员工士气从而提升生产力。
2.LONG TERM COST SAVINGS by investment in addressing on site hazards and risks
related to employee safety and facility maintenance
长期控制成本 - 通过在预防控制现场危害人员安全设施维护风险方面的投资达到长期控制成本的目的。
3.BETTER POSITION to acquire new business from our company and also other
companies after the completion of corrective action plan.
有利竞争地位 - 通过整改取得进步从而在竞争NBCUniversal或其他买家公司新业务中处于有利地位。
4.ABILITY to apply for ISO certification based on capital improvements made via the
audit process.
ISO认证能力 - 通过审核取得重大进步从而具备申请ISO认证的能力。
5.ACCESS to on-going free guidance and coaching from our company on the CAP.

and improved business operations.

增加效益 - 通过为员工创造更好的安全工作环境以及改进生产管理模式从而增加效益。

免费指导培训 - 在进行整改的过程中获得免费的指导和培训。

