Polo RalphLauren验厂消防审核点(一),你还不知道吗!

2016/8/13 15:00:55

1.1    "工厂是哪些出口设置为紧急出口?(如消防逃生图上有标示,可作为依据提供)

    Which exits are set as emergency exits? (Fire escape map can be providedas evidence if emergency exits are marked in it)"

1.2    "车间是否每层楼都有设定一个紧急出口?

   Isthere an emergency exit  designated foreach fire compartment especially for each floor?"

1.3    "门外面是否有开放的平台?

   Isthere a platform outside of the door?"

1.4    "紧急逃生门是否都安装了门推手?

  Isevery emergency door installed with push bar?"

1.5    "门的宽度是否符合标准的要求?

 Does the door width meet standards?"

1.6    " 紧急逃生门是否是向外开/沿着逃生方向?

 Whether the doors of emergency exit open outward/inthe direction of travel?"

1.7    "通向封闭防火楼梯间的紧急逃生门是否保持关闭,以防止烟气进入保障员工安全撤离?

 Whether the doors to exit staircases and fire escapes are kept closed toprevent smoke from filling the stairwell which could prevent workers from safe exiting the building?"

2.     Barred windows must have aninternal mechanism for emergency release or removal to allow for worker escapeand must remain unlocked

        有栏杆的窗户必须有内部装置以便紧急情况下可以打开或卸下栏杆以便工人逃生,且应保持不上锁状态 。

2.1    " 工厂生产区/宿舍/食堂二楼以上生产区哪些地方的窗户设有栏杆?

  Arethere any barred windows on 2nd and above floors in productionarea/dormitory/canteen? "

2.2    " 如有栏杆的窗户,是否设有内部打开装置?

  Ifyes, is internal removable mechanism provided?"

2.3    "员工是否可以轻松开启内部打开装置?

    Can the employees open the internal removable mechanism easily?"

2.4    "工厂宿舍是否有开放的空间供逃生?

    Is there an open corridor that dormitory rooms have doors face to?"

3.     All floors and buildings,including dormitories, must have a secondary exit, and preferably an externalfire escape route

        所有楼层和建筑物,包括宿舍,必须具有第二出口,且最好是火灾逃生路线 。

3.1    "工厂的楼层和建筑物有几个出口?
