2016/8/13 15:07:509.2 "工厂是否有制定张贴符合要求的疏散图,如使用当地语言的,及时更新,所在位置等?
Isthere adequate evacuation plan, posted, up to date, included ""Youare here mark"", etc."
9.3 "逃生路线是否全被阻塞?
Whether fire escape route is blocked or partially blocked?"
9.4 "安全出口门是否是向外开/沿着逃生方向?
Whether the doors of safety exit open outward/in the directionof travel?"
9.5 "工厂是否有安装充足的消防器材?并且有良好的维护?
Whether there is sufficient firefighting equipment? And well maintained?"
9.6 "是否有定期点检应急灯等消防器材的运行状态?多久点检一次?
Whether regular inspection is conducted to check the function of firefightingequipment? What's frequency?"
10. Quarterly joint fire drillsincluding all floors of the building to be overseen by an external party, suchas the fire authority, for timely and effective personnel evacuation.Documentation of these drills must be retained by the facility for reviewduring any visit to the facility.
10.1 "工厂每年做几次消防演习?
Howmany joint fire drills are conducted once a year?"
10.2 "工厂本年度的消防演习进行了几次?后续的消防演习是否有列入年度计划?
How many joint fire drills have been done? Whether the subsequent firedrills are included in the annual plan?"
10.3 "消防演习是否有涵盖所有楼层(包含宿舍/食堂)及各个班次的员工?
Whether joint fire drills cover all floor of the building (including dormitory/canteen)and all the employees in each shifts?"
10.4 "消防演习是否有外部第三方(如消防部门/消防部门或当地政府授权的单位或个人)参加?是哪些第三方?是否有相关证明文件体现该人员的资质?参加了几次?
Whether external parties oversaw joint fire drills? What are they? Anyevidence of their qualification? How many drills were overseen by them?"
10.5 "工厂是否保留消防演习的相关资料?
Whether the relevant records of joint fire drills were well kept?"
11. Fire safety trainingconducted for all personnel every 6 months
11.1 "工厂是否有对全体人员进行消防安全培训?
Whetherfire safety training is conducted for all personnel?"
11.2 "工厂每年度做多少次消防安全培训?
Howmany times of fire safety training are conducted annually?"
11.3 "讲师是否有相应资质?
Whether the trainer is qualified for fire safety?"